
Get Involved






If you are interested in becoming a sponsor, contact us for more information.


Exclusive naming rights to event
Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website and website banner
Full recognition through social media
Three target mentions in social media
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Mentioned in Autostrada Magazine Drive 4 Smiles article
Prominently featured on all signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
10 Drivers Included
Option to bring 3 promotional vehicles for attendees to look at and/or test drive


Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website banner
One target mention in social media
Recognition through social media
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
7 Drivers included
Opportunity to fill Drivers VIP lounge with marketing/promotional materials
Option to bring 2 promotional vehicles for attendees to look at and/or test drive


Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website banner
One target mention in social media
Recognition through social media 
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Signage at event on all Food Trucks
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
5 Drivers included
Option to bring 2 promotional vehicles for attendees to look at and / or test drive


Prominently featured in all media releases
Name & logo hyperlinked on website banner
Recognition through social media
One target mention in social media
Mention in Starlight Newsletter (access to over 30,000 constituents)
Signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
4 Drivers included
Option to bring 1 promotional vehicle for attendees to look at and / or test drive


Name & logo hyperlinked on website banner
Recognition through social media (minimum of 1)
Signage at event
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
3 Drivers included
Option to bring 1 promotional vehicle for attendees to look at and / or test drive


A donation of $2,500 allows you to select one of the following packages as a Supporting Event Partner for Starlight Children’s Foundation Drive 4 Smiles Toronto 2024 event taking place on Saturday, September 6th, 2025 at Toronto Motorsports Park in Cayuga, Ontario


Optimus Prime Replica Sponsor


Name & logo hyperlinked on website
Event signage – “Exclusive sponsor of Optimus Prime for D4S Toronto 2024”
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
2 Drivers included


Carnival Game Sponsor


Name and logo hyperlinked on website
Event signage – “Exclusive Carnival Game and Activity Sponsor for D4S Toronto 2024”
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
2 Drivers included


Jet Car Sponsor


Name and logo hyperlinked on website
Event signage – “Exclusive Jet Car sponsor for D4S Toronto 2024”
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
2 Drivers included


Drivers Breakfast and Lunch Sponsor


Name and logo hyperlinked on website
Event signage – “Exclusive Drivers Breakfast and Lunch Sponsor for D4S Toronto 2024”
Recognition in post-event acknowledgements
2 Drivers included


Company logo featured on website 
Event signage
Hyperlink to your website from event website
One Driver included